Claire Brings ROC in HIGH SCHOOL Sessions to High Schools
ROC – Resilience, Optimism, Confidence.

High school can bring enormous change for young people and parents. The first term and semester of high school is especially important as children:

  • adjust to their new, often larger school and streamline timing and movement between classes
  • find their friendship fit and re-establish their social position and feeling of belonging amongst hundreds of year 7 students
  • navigate a new academic arena and adjust to changing standards and expectations in each subject
  • get a handle on homework, planning and organising and build their independence at a steady pace
  • learn how to manage their mindset, emotions and choices so they can stress less and enjoy school more

In addition, children are also trying to manage their mindset, regulate their energy and take care of their emotions as they step into their teen years. But with the right tools and information, transition to high school can be a memorable experience, for all the right reasons.

This move can be exciting and fun, but it can also invite overwhelm, stress and anxiety, especially if young people do not feel adequately equipped with tools and strategies needed to start high school more confidently.

Claire shares her ROC in High School presentations with year 7 students and their families in term 1 and 2 in 2022. Drawing on her extensive experience as a teacher, deputy principal and teen coach, these practical ‘starting high school’ sessions highlight ‘must-have’ messages shared in Claire’s popular books, written especially for teens –
ROC and RISE and Hello High School.

Claire will guide students through the BIG HIGH SCHOOL 5″, ‘must-have’ practical strategies which boost high school (roc) resilience, optimism, and confidence from the inside out, helping tweens to feel ahead of the game and more ready to tackle high school head on, with less stress and more success in 2022.

“THE BIG HIGH SCHOOL 5” teaches high school starters how to:

  1. Manage their mindset and understand emotions
    (Discover how the quality of our thoughts impact emotions, simple ways to think well, be self-aware, notice self-talk and learn tools to turn thoughts and emotions around)
  2. Think in helpful ways and use perspective wisely
    (Explore tween-friendly switch strategies which help high schoolers maintain perspective, work with their emotions and be kind to themselves on their new adventure)
  3. Handle change, challenges, setbacks, and success
    (Discuss the power of stories, facts and beliefs which can help or hinder high school happiness, especially in tough times)
  4. Get sorted, feel organized and learn to be more productive
    (Share practical routines, rituals and time-tested ways to get work done and feel good)
  5. Find their fit, build healthy friendships and stay true to themselves
    (Learn the Three L’s to foster harmony and ways to stay true to you, even if everyone is hustling for popularity)
Teen books by Claire Eaton, Australian teen mindset coach

Share the ROC in High School Presentations flyer

Hello High School book checklist

“This is such a good book. It answers all my questions and is easy to read so I will use it a lot.”
– Max 13

“The ‘zones’ make sense, it’s good to have steps to follow to help me feel less overwhelmed by high school.”
– Michael 14

“Awesome book. The friendship and productivity zones are so good, I keep going back to them when I need to.”
– Sophie 16

“I will read this book, it will help me plan, stay on top of the workload and all the habits and hacks are great reminders too.”
– Jess 15

“The Productivity and Courage zones were stand out sections for me. Now I know how to plan and be organised, I get more done and I don’t fall behind.”
– Zoe 16

“I have read the MVP section so many times. Knowing about boundaries helped me a lot and the tips to make the most of teacher feedback.”
– Jack 14

“This is the best book. It’s easy to read and I like the way it answers so many questions which makes high school feel so much easier.”
– Daisy 15

“Cool book. The productivity zone is really helpful, especially knowing how motivation, procrastination affects the way I do my homework and study.”
– Henry 14

“I found this book really good. The tips for staying away from drama and problems were good for me and my friends.”
– Ella 15

“The six steps in the Courage zone will help me heaps when I am feeling anxious.”
– Michelle 13

“I love love love the technique to change thoughts. This will work so well for me and help me to handle hard things at school.”
– Stephanie 15

“I can be a perfectionist, so the section about being perfect and comparison myself to other people was good for me to read.”
– Josh 16

“I like the zones. I can flick to the section I need to read and all the information is simple and easy to read.”
– Nicholas 12

“The Friendship zone is great. My friend group read it and it reminded us to stay away from drama, gossiping and judging.”
– Emma 14

“This is a good read. It’s definitely a book everyone should have in high school, like a textbook so everyone can help each other get through.”
– Hannah 13

“I think this book answers every question anyone could ever ask about high school. It’s brilliant.”
– Zac 16

“High School feels a lot less overwhelming because this book explains it all and it’s easy to read.”
– Hamish 13

“I like all the organisation and planning tips in the Productivity zone. They are easy to follow and will help me keep up with all my work.”
– Sally 16

“Hello High School is really good. It’s not complicated so I’ll use it and the tips, they’re straight forward and they’ll work too.”
– Xavier 17

“If you have a question or worry about high school, this book will 100% give you the answer. Read it, you won’t regret it!”
– Ben 15

“This book is different because it’s simple and written for us. The zones are good and the strategies definitely are practical.”
– Jackson, 15

“We got this book just in nick of time. Our daughter’s overwhelm was rising and we were at a loss. It’s been so long since we were in high school, so it was great to have book for we could read together.” – Kelly and Mike M

“Loved the chapter zones and the way the book address the elephants in the room… stress, drama, worry, anxiety and total overwhelm that is hard to catch once it gets out of control. Such a practical book that hits the spot.”
– Ashleigh T

“Wow, each zone delivers good solid information. Thank you for writing this book for teenagers. My daughter in year 7 and twin daughters in year 9 are all into it.” – Jo and Will E

“Love the layout. Love the sinplicity. Love the way you present the poroblem high shcooler face and wucikly offer great option to work though the problems. This book has helped our family a lot this year.”
– Tracey and Floyd B

“5 words. Practcial, real, helpful, clear and friendly. Thank you, this book is always floatig around our house and It’s become our quick go-to resource. Thank you for writing it.”
– Tammy and Steve J

“I bought copies for my kids, neices and nephews. I hear them talking about the tips and using the ideas to help themselves and each other. Amazing game-changers!
– Lee M

“Finally a book writtemn for teenagers starting or alrerady in high scgool. It refreshing to see a book that offer ideas, solutions an stools that teenages can read and run with. This book hasn’t lightened the load in out house for all 3 kids in year 7, 9 and 10″
– Dave and Layla P

My friends suggested we get a copy fo Hello High School, and we are so glad she did. The zones are genius” and the information targets what’s really going on for high schoolers now, so much has changed.
Meg R

“The Hello Home Zone has been the best support for us, it has helped lessen their overwhelm, stress and anxiety so much, we love Sunday Set-up and Wednesday wind up.”
– Jess K

“This book is gold. It is unlike any other book we’ve read, probabaly because it dives in the world of teenagers in high school today. From pricrastination and stress to routines and friendships, Claire also handles mindset, anxiety and self-doubt with such preciions and care. This book leaves no stone unturned.”
– Angie and Noah P

“With today’s teens under more pressure than any generation before, they need as much support as they can get. Claire Eaton’s books provide a simple to apply framework to support tweens and teens through the often-turbulent High School years.”
– Josh Langley, Award winning children’s author and mental health advocate

“I love the practicality of the book Hello High School. This is really relevant to any high school student. And for parents, this will also provide you with helpful strategies, understanding and perspective about what it means for your young person to survive and thrive throughout their time at high school. High School can bring everything from daunting anxiety to lingering feelings of doubt and discomfort. Claire manages to reframe that overwhelm into strategies that are relevant and accessible.And we all know the importance of friendships and relationships for young people entering high school and beyond, and Claire tackles this with such great understanding and relevance.”
– Martine OglethorpeDigital wellbeing & online safety educator

“An excellent resource for tweens and teens on their high school journey. It is simple, easy to read and jam-packed full of insightful and practical advice for our young high schoolers.”
– Renee Irving LeeTeacher, Children’s Author and Freelance Writer.

“High school is hard. Thank heavens for Hello High School, the map and torch every teenager (and parent) needs when it comes to busy timetables, more homework, friendship dramas and total overwhelm. Claire Eaton takes teenagers by the hand and shows them not just how to survive high school but how to thrive. I trust Claire’s advice and strategies so much I have given her books to my own daughter and they have helped enormously.”
– Rebecca SparrowAuthor and host of the ‘Ask Me Anything’ podcast

“Claire’s hands on experience shines brightly through Hello High School. It’s refreshingly practical and gives young people strategies to cut through the overwhelm that so easily stifles them.”
– Michelle Mitchell, Author, Speaker, Media Presenter, Coach, Podcaster

ROC and RISE book checklist


“Love this book. I like how you wrote it for teenagers and the stories help it all make sense. I use the line idea a lot, especially when I think about school work, tests and exams.”
– Alicia 14

“It’s good to just open a chapter and read a quick reminder that I can use instantly. It’s easy like that.”
– Josh 13

“I feel good when I read the book. I don’t feel so alone and I like how it’s written for people my age so it easy to read and understand.”
– Lilly 14

“The tips in the book have helped me to feel less stressed and overwhelmed at school and with homework.”
– Jess 15

“I’m a boarder and I really think everything in the book has shown me how to be more confident away from my family.”
– Taylor 12

“Awesome book. It makes mental health topics so much easier to understand and the tips are super helpful in so many situations.”
– Toby 17

“I thought I was the only one asking the big six questions. This is my favourite part of the book and it’s help me a lot.”
– Tom 15

“The way you explained ‘stuff’ and that its my choice how I look at it was a big one for me. No one has ever explained it that way before, so that helped me heaps.”
– Max 13

“This book is so good. I like the audio of it too. The stories are great and it’s all helped me to release that there are so many way to think differently and believe in myself.”
– Ella 15

“I really like the rituals. I use my altar a lot, it’s a good way for me to remind myself that I’m OK especially if something is on my mind.”
– Charlotte 13

“I have read ROC and RISE so many times, and I use all the boosters and I know how to notice blockers too.”
– Rosie 15

“Top book. The switches are cool.”
– Adam 16

“I like how the book is filled with stories that I can relate to. The Harry shake works really well for me.”
– Isabella 12

“I used to be a perfectionist, but the confidence part has taught me different ways to handle that and change things up.”
– Jack 15

“I enjoy the writing sections in the book, it makes me think a lot and be more aware of what I’m thinking and doing.”
– Chelsea 14

“My favourite parts are the switches and the optimism boosters. I use them all the time they’ve helped me to feel way less stressed.”
– Zoe 17

“My sisters and I all read this book, it makes it easier for us to help each other if we need it because we all know the ideas and tips.”
– Hollie 11, Jade 14, Gabby 16

“Best book I’ve read. It’s a nice way to learn about a big topic. The stories and examples are great.”
– Sam 16

“The ROC Dream Team section has helped me a lot with my friendships at school.”
– Georgia 13

“Great book, good that it’s for guys and girls.”
– Zac 17

“It’s a different book, so easy to read and I’ve learnt lots of new ways to handle stress and problems and when things go wrong for me.”
– Jackson, 15


“Thank you for writing such a valuable book for our teenagers. Watching my son read it, then apply the tools and strategies at his own pace has been wonderful to watch. My husband and I have read the book too, so it’s great that we’re all on the same page and talking the same language. A refreshing and unique book that delivers mental health messages differently. ”
– Joanne M.

“Stress is less, overwhelm is less, doubt is less and it’s soooo good to see our teenage daughter using the practical and teen-friendly tools in this book to be the best version of herself. Very happy parent right now.”
– Simone F

“This book has made a remarkable difference to the attitude, confidence and general approach to life of both my teenage son and daughter. They have a lighter ‘I can do this’ approach to life’s ‘stuff’ (as you so simply put it)”
– Charmaine V

“What a difference this book has made to our daughter’s mindset and outlook on life. After being bullied in year 7 and 8, she was struggling, so I can’t tell you how much it means to us to see her now returning to her old self and enjoying life. Our happy and confident girl is coming back thanks to the boosters in your book. She’ll have these mindset skills for life.”
– Angie H

“Your cleverly written book taught my teenagers about the art of taking responsibility for their own mental health and they’re now spreading their wings wide and living teenage life to the full.”
– Jill B

“Love how the book is gender-neutral, thank you! Our sons are getting a lot out of it. We see them and hear them using the terms in the book, encouraging each other and definitely being more aware of their choices and reactions. This book should be in every home (and school too).”
– Frances and Jason M

“ROC and RISE has changed the feeling in our house in the most positive way. We use the ROC fundamentals to help us all stay on track and the communication between us and our teenagers has most definitely changed for the better. We’re dealing with less stress, melt-downs and overwhelm because they’re using the ideas and techniques in the book. Thanks so much, Claire, so glad we stumbled across your book.”
– Libby E

“Our teenagers heard you speak at their school and now they’re reading your book, which is making a massive impact on their lives, with their friendships, schoolwork, in sport and generally at home. It’s wonderful that our kids have these life-long skills now, rather than waiting until they’re in their 20’s and 30’s.”
– Amy P

“WOW! I wish this book was around when in was a teenager. Love that my girls have this information now as they step cautiously through their adolescent years. It’s so encouraging to see them use the tools, the switch strategies and the great stories to help them be the best they can be. Most grateful!”
– Elizabeth F

“What a relief. Teenagers finally have a book that explains how to handle disappointments and hold perspective when life isn’t as smooth as we would like it. Thank you, Claire, this book is powerful and so needed.”
– Mark B

“This book arrived at the perfect time for us. With three teenagers in the house, they are all listening to the audio and reading the book with its writing exercises, and it’s making a difference to how they all approach school and its ups and downs. It’s heartwarming to see our kids reading about mental health in a way that is straightforward and real, teenagers appreciate this and so do we, their parents.”
– Jo and Dave S

“Very grateful our teenagers now have tools to helps them handle whatever life throws at them. To know they can learn and practice these skills at their own pace and use them across so many different contexts gives me enormous peace of mind. I worry and stress less, so that’s got to be a good thing too.”
– Louise T

“I wanted to say thank you for writing ROC and RISE, we listen to your audiobook in the car, we talk about your messages at the dinner table and we are forever flicking through the book, always finding exactly what we need to help us. We love the stories, the simplicity and all the reminders, they make sense to teenagers, who let’s face it, have a lot going on in their lives these days.”
– Pauline N

“My son loves this book. It’s tabbed, page corners are turned over and it’s filled with his own notes. It’s helped him to take charge of his thoughts and adopt a lot more responsibility for how he approaches everything in this life.”
– Terry F

“Our family read the book, listened to it in the car and we decided that we would all embrace the ROC and RISE approach and It was the best decision we have ever made. So proud to see my teenagers giving this a go, using the strategies and the best part, is watching them become more aware of the control they have over their own mental health. That’s hard to put a price on. Thank you, Claire, we are so grateful you wrote this book for our teenagers.”
– Jennifer & Russel D

“I tell everyone about this book. It’s easy to read, hits the spot on teen mental and emotional care and it delivers the big messages that are so important for young people to hear at this wonderfully wild time of their lives.”
– Kim J

“This audiobook has saved our family from imploding I’m sure! I can’t thank you enough for writing something for teenagers to read or in our case, to listen to.
Our teenagers are getting so much from it, my hubby and I are too. It just makes so much sense. We’re all on the same page which makes talking about mental health type topics so much easier. Finally, I know what to say or what to ask! What a relief.

“Our car rides are quite different at the moment. Your voice is with us and we’re loving it. We even pause and discuss… omg…. what a turnaround! I’m pinching myself.

“Thanks so much, Claire, your work is making a world of difference to our entire family and I bet I’m not alone. Grateful indeed.”
– Helen J

“With today’s teens under more pressure than any generation before, they need as much support as they can get. Claire Eaton’s books provide a simple to apply framework to support tweens and teens through the often-turbulent High School years.”
– Josh Langley, Award winning children’s author and mental health advocate

“This book realistically outlines the challenges faced by young people without ‘sugar coating’ the adolescent journey.  It does an amazing job of reminding us that we are all on a separate individual journey and that we all see ourselves and the world around us in different ways. However we look at it, we are all in a position to take the reins as best we can, and take steps, no matter how big or small, towards our potential to ROC and Rise.”<br>- Martine Oglethorpe, Digital well being & online safety educator

Taken from Martine’s blog

“ROC & RISE is an invaluable support resource for young people. When reading, it feels like you have a best friend, mentor and coach right at your fingertips. This book is inspiring, thought-provoking, heart-warming and best of all… It’s easy to read! Thank you, Claire, for this wonderful resource, it will bring much needed support and comfort to every young person who reads it.”<br>- Kim Marie Smith, Youth Wellness Specialist, Holistic Counsellor & Founder of Standing Strong®

“ROC and RISE is a wonderful resource for teens. Claire has been working closely with teens, families and schools mainly in WA for over 20 years. This is a really great guide for teachers and parents as well! Great work Claire!”<br>- Maggie Dent, Author, Educator, and Parenting & Resilience Specialist

“ROC and RISE is a superb book. It is the book I wish I had when I was a teenager. It holds many of the answers I was searching for yet could not find.”<br>Catherine Hallissey, Psychologist

“Loved reading ROC and Rise! So practical for our teens and when I shared the book with my thirteen year old it resonated with her so well. Claire genuinely cares about our teens and this love for them shines throughout the book.”<br>-Di Wilcox, Author

“How much do I love Claire Eaton’s ROC and Rise? Put it this way, I’ll be giving my daughter her own copy the moment she starts high school.”<br>Rebecca Sparrow, Author and host of the ‘Ask Me Anything’ podcast

“This book is all heart. Claire has put 20 years of experience working with teens and families into this wonderful book for young people. Claire’s dream is for ROC & RISE to give young people the personal tools, fortitude and know-how, to take charge of their own mental fitness in a way that is right for them. Claire’s book shares practical tools, boosters and strategies all wrapped in real and wonderful stories, so teenagers can learn to raise their resilience, boost their optimistic mindset and lift their confidence, from the inside out. This is the book that every young person needs in their mental fitness toolkit. Congratulations Claire! Love your style.”<br>-Michelle Mitchell, Author, Speaker, Educator

“Wow, what a book. So readable, relatable and relevant. Written in a language that connects with the target audience and jammed with awesome stories, insights, ideas and practical strategies to help teenagers live more productive, empowered and rewarding lives. In many ways, this is a self-management guide for our younger generation and the constant question being asked and answered is… ‘how do I manage me in the middle of the inevitable peaks and troughs of life?’”<br>- Craig Harper (B.Ex. Sci.), Author, Speaker, Media Presenter, Coach, Podcaster

“Having been awkward as a teenager, suffering from low self esteem and really not happy about school life, ROC and Rise is just the sort of book that could have really helped when I so badly needed something.

It’s full of great ideas and practical tips. Plus Claire writes from the heart and I can feel her speaking to me from the pages. I found it easy to read, except that I kept wanting to stop to write notes and do the exercises.

“ROC and Rise would be a great book to have as part of the school curriculum, as anything that we can do to support our young men and women of the future during these critical years is invaluable.”<br>-Dr Arne Rubinstein, Author, Speaker & Social Commentator, CEO of The Rites of Passage Institute

“Having had the pleasure of watching Claire work with young people, I was thrilled to hear that she was going to share her passion for adolescent mental health in ROC and RISE. From the moment I read the first few lines, I sensed Claire’s enthusiasm for working with young people and their families.

This book offers an opportunity for young people to develop coping strategies through clear and concise tips and tools.

It is an invaluable source of support for all young people struggling with self-doubt or those finding it difficult to navigate their way through the relationships they hold with themselves or others.

I recommend ROC and RISE to the young people I work with. Thank you Claire, for being an advocate for the wellbeing of young people.”<br>- Susan Tobiassen, Psychologist, Founder & Speaker at Mindsight Psychological Training

“I’ve joined the ROC and RISE party! Claire Eaton is an educator and practitioner – and it shows! This title is comprehensive, but also so warm, encouraging and practical. A guide to help teens navigate adolescence with more resilience, and indeed JOY.  Brava Claire!”<br>- Dannielle Miller, Author, Teen Educator, Speaker & CEO Enlighten Education

“An extraordinary book and resource for teens and adolescents handling everything from the trials of being a teenager to the more complex.

“Claire has provided an engaging, compassionate and understandable road map with practical mental and emotional fitness suggestions, heartfelt words and exercises that any teen will want to explore again and again.

“It is an amazing gift to have such a useful and needed book to recommend to teens, friends, families and professionals. Such an important and enjoyable book to read and reflect on.”<br>Courtney Marie Gratteri, Winner 2017 Commissioner for Young People’s Most Outstanding Youth Worker Award

“ROC and Rise is a rare resource written FOR teenagers instead of about teenagers. It is written in language teenagers understand and establishes a relationship of understanding between Claire and the young reader. With practical activities, reflections and suggestions throughout, readers are encouraged to practice and implement in a personal, self-paced sense. The Parent Audio Book also guides parents to best support their child’s use of the book, making ROC a family focus in a-paced and ever-changing world.”<br>-Nicole Huggins, Deputy Principal & Wellness Coordinator

How will ROC in High School happen in your High School?

One day. Two sessions

Both sessions on the same day. Available to book Monday – Thursday

Student session
 All Year 7 students together in one big space, preferably in chairs.

 75-90 minutes (it zooms along as there’s so much information being shared)

Parent session
All parents and extended family member welcome. Numbers are only dictated by the space in your school. These events are often held in the school library or large space.

120 minutes, 6.30 – 8.30pm

Claire’s requirements

  • One school contact person – e.g. year 7 teacher or Head of Year
  • Projector, screen and microphone
  • Laptop prepared to receive USB
  • Table to display books ROC and RISE and Hello High School and its companion Planner

How to get ROC in High School sessions happening in your high school in 2022?

It only takes one enthusiastic mum, dad, carer, teacher or student support staff member to get the ball rolling.

Email Claire and let her know you’re interested and ask any questions you may have.

Forward the information flyer to people at the school; the shakers and movers who will get this awesome event for year 7 students and their families happening pronto!

Let’s make this happen!

HELLO HIGH SCHOOL sessions are only available in Term 1 and 2  (Monday – Thursday)

One School

$1800 +GST
  • Includes student and parent sessions on the same day

Tip – Run this idea past your school P&C’s – they love to get involved!
Why? – Parents and students hear the same messages, so they can be on the same page making high school less stressful and more enjoyable for everyone!

Want to know more, or you are good to go and ready to book in term 1 or 2?
Please be in touch

Praise for Claire’s Coaching

Laugh, learn and feel good… that’s how I would describe our evening. Thanks so much Claire, we are all incredibly grateful for your time, knowledge and gentle way.
Imogen Cross, Mt Lawley, Western Australia
Thank you for all your help with the problem I had with bullies. Everything you taught me about my thinking style and my body language was good and it worked at school.
Joshua, 11, Canning Vale, Western Australia
I just want to say thanks for all your help so far. My parents say that I don’t get as stressed anymore and I think I agree with them.
Katrina, 13, Tapping, Western Australia
We loved the insights, stories and the opportunity to have anonymous questions answered in such a professional, yet relaxed way. Thanks Claire.
Jo Lewis, Roleystone, Western Australia
You have made such a big difference to our family, we all use the tools you gave us because they work. The dynamics and connection between all 5 of us has really changed for the better. We’re most grateful.
Julie and Dave, Parents, Woodvale, Western Australia

Recommend Claire

Your recommendation is such positive feedback which Claire is proud of and she thanks you for choosing to share her services with others. Thank you.

Recommend Claire by sharing your review here:

Books by Claire Eaton