#1 ANXIETY, WORRY & DOUBT dial-down secrets
3-Part Audio PEP TALKS filled with evidence-based tools and teen-tested wellbeing and mindset boosting tips, to support young people aged 12 -18 (but not limited to) feel better equipped to tackle life’s and ups and downs more confidently.
TOTAL – 58 minutes
#1 is complemented by Pep Talks #2, 3 & 7
18 minutes
1. Anxiety is different for everyone and it’s a normal human emotion
2. Our aim is to manage anxiety, not eliminate it!
3. There’s no magic one-size-fits all solution, so we need to do some work to understand anxiety
4. The brain is connected to anxiety – but how?
5. The brain is smart, but it often confuses real danger with imagined danger?
6. Knowing the power of being present
7. Getting to know how the body reacts to anxiety and gives you big signs
8. Getting to know FIGHT, Flight, FREEZE
9. How to use brain soothers to help manage anxiety
Part 2 – STRONG and BRAVE THINKING includes-
20 minutes
1. Life has many forks in the road
2. Anxious thoughts can be incredibly persuasive. What can teens do when this happens?
3. Know how to recognise legit dangers and imagined threats?
4. What happens when your anxious thoughts push you around?
5. 3 tips to put your brain back in the BOSS seat!
6. Why strong and brave thoughts are wellbeing winners
7. How to switch worries for wishes
8. You have CHOICE – this is your power-up move!
Part 3 – BE YOUR OWN BOSS includes –
20 minutes
1. Eleven teen-friendly, simple and practical tools, tips and tactics teens can use at school, home, sport and when they’re socialising, so they can train their brain and body to handle anxiety when it pops up and still be their own wellbeing BOSS!