$30.00 incl GST

Claire’s Pep Talks are for your teen if they-

*Could benefit hearing great information about one topic at a time

*Can’t get an appointment to see a professional right now

*Need a boost up in a particular area, like confidence or motivation

*Are having a bit of trouble in an area, like procrastination, stress or goals setting

Claire’s coaching practice is full to overflowing, so it’s her hope pep talks can deliver game-changing wellbeing tools, tips and tactics straight to teens’ ears, NOW, when they need it the most! (This is especially important if teens are unable to secure an appointment to see Claire in her coaching practice.)

Pep talks are perfect –

for on-the-go listening, so teens can learn at their own pace wherever they are

Teens can log in anytime, anywhere and as often as they need. No limits or expiry

Pep talks include

Stories, reflection questions,  facts and myths,
Examples, suggestions, How-to make a change tips,
Steps to follows, ideas, and a bit of science stuff about the brain,
WHY questions answered, reminders, and easy to follow strategies,
Mindset techniques and loads of easy listening chit chat that lands on teens’ ears,  in a way that they feel safe and happy to learn what they need.


Pep Talks details –

* Dive in to one topic in a way that makes sure teens will get what they need.

* Contain no fancy jargon, stats, data or hard-to-understand information.

* Are approximately 60 minutes, which is about the length of one coaching session in my office and   time flies by so quick!

* Have 3 separate audio parts (approx. 20 minutes each) – this exact length teens asked for when hundreds of teens were surveyed.

The author of this program does not dispense medical advice nor prescribe the use of any technique as a form of physical, mental, or medical problems without the advice pf a physician, whether directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for mental fitness and general wellbeing. In the event you use any of this information in this program for yourself, the author assumes no responsibility for your actions.

All rights reserved. No part of these audios may be shared or reproduced by any mechanical, photographic, or electronic process or in the form of a phonographic recording, nor may it be stored in a retrieval system, transmitted, or otherwise be copied for public or private use – other than for ‘fair use’ as briefs question embodied in articles and reviews without prior permission from Claire Eaton.

  1. Purchase your Pep Talk/s
  2. You will receive an email with information to access your account on claireeaton.com.au
    (Please double check your email address & record your login in details for later use)
  3. Log in to your account where your pep talks will be waiting for you
  4. Click on ‘My Pep Talks’ and listen online!
  5. Any troubles, please contact my tech team.

Notes –
Please don’t share your log in details beyond your family, as it will create a security issue when you try to login in next.
Pep Talks can’t be downloaded or shared.

“Thank you for explaining why I feel gross in my body when I get anxious and also what I can do about it." - Alicia 14

“The three tips helped me know I can do something different to feel different when I feel anxious at school." - Jaz 13

“I like how you talk about what the brain does when it's anxious, that helped me a lot.” - Elle 15

“Amazing, thank you for making this. Now I have things I can practice, and it won’t be so scary when I start to be anxious at school.” - Emanuelle, 16

“The 'fork in the road' idea helped me a lot, and I'll use this to remind me to slow down and choose what I'm going to think next." - Holly 17

“Love the strong thoughts message, I say this to myself all the time now.” - Zara 14

“I found this one so good, so I know what to say to my mates when they tell me they are anxious.” - Harry 12

"So awesome, and I’ve been listening to this heaps, especially the 11 tips. The yoga pose and the shoes-off strategies are my favourites and I’ll be using them a lot.” - Marcia 16

“Such great reminders about how exercise helps with anxiety, I exercise all the time and it really does work.” - Andrew 15

“ The best anti-anxiety tips, so glad I have these to listen to anytime, because they will all help me, especially at school.” - Ava 17

“I never knew about the breathing and heartbeat stuff, and why my body feels so bad and changes when I get anxious. This has been so good for me to hear.” - Angus 14

#1  ANXIETY, WORRY & DOUBT dial-down secrets
3-Part Audio PEP TALKS filled with evidence-based tools and teen-tested wellbeing and mindset boosting tips, to support young people aged 12 -18 (but not limited to) feel better equipped to tackle life’s and ups and downs more confidently.
TOTAL – 58 minutes

#1 is complemented by Pep Talks #2, 3 & 7

18 minutes

1. Anxiety is different for everyone and it’s a normal human emotion
2. Our aim is to manage anxiety, not eliminate it!
3. There’s no magic one-size-fits all solution, so we need to do some work to understand anxiety
4. The brain is connected to anxiety – but how?
5. The brain is smart, but it often confuses real danger with imagined danger?
6. Knowing the power of being present
7. Getting to know how the body reacts to anxiety and gives you big signs
8. Getting to know FIGHT, Flight, FREEZE
9. How to use brain soothers to help manage anxiety

Part 2 – STRONG and BRAVE THINKING includes-
20 minutes

1. Life has many forks in the road
2. Anxious thoughts can be incredibly persuasive.  What can teens do when this happens?
3. Know how to recognise legit dangers and imagined threats?
4. What happens when your anxious thoughts push you around?
5. 3 tips to put your brain back in the BOSS seat!
6. Why strong and brave thoughts are wellbeing winners
7. How to switch worries for wishes
8. You have CHOICE – this is your power-up move!

Part 3 – BE YOUR OWN BOSS includes –
20 minutes

1. Eleven teen-friendly, simple and practical tools, tips and tactics teens can use at school, home, sport and when they’re socialising, so they can train their brain and body to handle anxiety when it pops up and still be their own wellbeing BOSS!