3-Part Audio PEP TALKS filled with evidence-based tools and teen-tested wellbeing and mindset boosting tips, to support young people aged 12 -18 (but not limited to) feel better equipped to tackle life’s ups and downs more confidently.
TOTAL – 55 minutes
*#2 is complemented by Pep Talks #1, 6 & 7
Part 1 – BIG 6 QUESTIONS STACK UP includes –
14 minutes
- What does confidence really mean and practical ways teens can take care of it
- Why confidence is very different to cockiness, arrogance, and big noting
- Why teens ask themselves THE BIG 6 QUESTIONS so much
- Tips to make the BIG 6 QUESTIONS boost teens confidence, not block it and squash it
- Make ‘WHAT IF’ questions work in teen’s favour to boost them up, not drag them down
- Getting to know the teen brain
- Why teens freak out when they’re faced with a modern threat, like a test or exam and what to do when it happens
- Help for teens to use CHOICE as their superpower and make their choices count
14 minutes
- Why comparisons are normal and a regular part of everyone’s life
- Comparisons can even keep teens safe when they know how to use them well!
- FACTS ADD UP – teaching teens how to separate facts from unhelpful distractions
- How teens can use compliments to boost their confidence and that of others
- Message to teen – Please don’t change, the world needs you as you are
- Why teens’ thoughts about self, need to be stronger than anyone else’s thoughts about them
- Teens can give themselves permission to be THEM SELF, and learn to totally OWN IT!
Part 3 – SELF-BELIEF BOOST includes –
21 minutes
- Reminding teens their self-belief is an inside job, which is one they can’t set-and-forget
- Three simple techniques to boost teen day-to-day self-belief
- Why managing the morning like a ‘pro’ can set-up teens up for a better day
- Teaching teens the difference between facts and everything else
- How teens can follow the facts to keep their self-belief in a good spot
- Why future-forecasting can mess with teen mindset
- Guiding teens to listen to their self-talk and look after it too
- Why ‘being present’ is awesome for teens and boosting confidence
- Technique – be where your feet are, right here, right now
- How anxious thinking can burst teens’ self- belief bubble and ways to avoid it