$30.00 incl GST

Claire’s Pep Talks are for your teen if they-

*Could benefit hearing great information about one topic at a time

*Can’t get an appointment to see a professional right now

*Need a boost up in a particular area, like confidence or motivation

*Are having a bit of trouble in an area, like procrastination, stress or goals setting

Claire’s coaching practice is full to overflowing, so it’s her hope pep talks can deliver game-changing wellbeing tools, tips and tactics straight to teens’ ears, NOW, when they need it the most! (This is especially important if teens are unable to secure an appointment to see Claire in her coaching practice.)

Pep talks are perfect –

for on-the-go listening, so teens can learn at their own pace wherever they are

Teens can log in anytime, anywhere and as often as they need. No limits or expiry

Pep talks include

Stories, reflection questions,  facts and myths,
Examples, suggestions, How-to make a change tips,
Steps to follows, ideas, and a bit of science stuff about the brain,
WHY questions answered, reminders, and easy to follow strategies,
Mindset techniques and loads of easy listening chit chat that lands on teens’ ears,  in a way that they feel safe and happy to learn what they need.


Pep Talks details –

* Dive in to one topic in a way that makes sure teens will get what they need.

* Contain no fancy jargon, stats, data or hard-to-understand information.

* Are approximately 60 minutes, which is about the length of one coaching session in my office and   time flies by so quick!

* Have 3 separate audio parts (approx. 20 minutes each) – this exact length teens asked for when hundreds of teens were surveyed.

The author of this program does not dispense medical advice nor prescribe the use of any technique as a form of physical, mental, or medical problems without the advice pf a physician, whether directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for mental fitness and general wellbeing. In the event you use any of this information in this program for yourself, the author assumes no responsibility for your actions.

All rights reserved. No part of these audios may be shared or reproduced by any mechanical, photographic, or electronic process or in the form of a phonographic recording, nor may it be stored in a retrieval system, transmitted, or otherwise be copied for public or private use – other than for ‘fair use’ as briefs question embodied in articles and reviews without prior permission from Claire Eaton.

  1. Purchase your Pep Talk/s
  2. You will receive an email with information to access your account on claireeaton.com.au
    (Please double check your email address & record your login in details for later use)
  3. Log in to your account where your pep talks will be waiting for you
  4. Click on ‘My Pep Talks’ and listen online!
  5. Any troubles, please contact my tech team.

Notes –
Please don’t share your log in details beyond your family, as it will create a security issue when you try to login in next.
Pep Talks can’t be downloaded or shared.

“It’s good to know how procrastination can drag my confidence down and how I can stop this from happening” - Marcia 16

“I liked learning the part about pushing past procrastination and why parents see it as lazy” - Dan 13

“So cool to know what the brain is doing when I am putting stuff off and doing it later, and then how this causes heaps of stress for me” -Joe 13

“This is one of my favourite pep talks, I’ve listened to it so many times. The Sunday Set_up is really good” -Dyan 16

“Sunday Set-Up and Wednesday Wind-Up is the best, Helped me heaps” - Dwayne 15

“I appreciated this pep talk a lot, now I’ve got routines I can use to help me get everything done” - Louise 13

“Listening to the tools about balance and getting a mix of work, fun, rest and all of that was so good for me" - Amy 14

“I am a big fan of the section on learning how to stop wasting time and how to chunk in 15 minutes slots” - Andrew 15

“Far out, The 4 questions you ask us to ask ourselves are brilliant, they help me to get clear on what I need to do and not do. Thank you" - Emanuelle 16

“ Loved this pep talk, especially listening to the 4 tactics you talked about, the time one is  awesome and the info about clutter helped as well” - Zara 14

“Thanks Claire, the Sunday Set-Up and Wednesday Wind-Up has literally fixed my life!! Lol!! No really, it’s so good" - Angus 14

3-Part Audio PEP TALKS filled with evidence-based tools and teen-tested wellbeing and mindset boosting tips, to support young people aged 12 -18 (but not limited to) feel better equipped to tackle life’s ups and downs more confidently.
TOTAL – 65 minutes

#5 is complemented by Pep Talks #3, 4 & 7

24 minutes

1. Three ways procrastination shows up and adds to teen guilt, stress and anxiety
2. How procrastination is a teen confidence crusher and wellbeing wrecker
3. Three practical teen tactics to push past procrastination
4. Why parents and teachers see procrastination as ’laziness’ – helping teens see an adult’s point of view!
5. Reflective questions to help teens do things differently
6. Ways to helps the teen brain push past procrastination
7. Using thoughts as mood movers for teens

Part 2 – ROUTINE TO THE RESCUE includes –
20 minutes

1. A simple routine that can decrease feelings of teen stress, overwhelm and anxiety
2. Why routines are needed and how they can help teens juggle everything on their plate
3. Routines are needed – clues teens to look out for
4. Classic morning and afternoon routines for teen wellbeing
5. Why 15 minutes can matter so much to teens

21 minutes

1. Helping teens stop time-wasting and get stuff done
2. Popular Sunday Set Up and Wednesday Wind up routine for teens
3. Productivity ingredients – knowing WHY, HOW and WHAT teens need
4. Life balance – teens need to a good mix of work, rest and play!
5. Ways teens can manage time to make the most of 5 school days